Monday, March 31, 2008

Old School: The Vault

Those magnificent bastards (Seinfeld reference) at Sports Illustrated have opened their vault.

Well, that's what they call it anyway. They have made available every cover, every article, every photo gallery, or simply, every darn thing in their archive and made it available for online users. I eat this stuff up. I'm always sifting through old newspapers reading old recaps, boxscores, anecdotes, anything I can get my hands on. (Which reminds me, where can I get one of these shirts?)

Anyway, periodically I'll be linking up any PG-related stuff from the pages of SI, and what better way to start than with a little Magic - as in Magician Johnson (making his nickname into a longer name will catch on people). Enjoy.


Jrod said...

Not a bad logo.

Leroy Cant said...

dont you dare ever underestimate the power of the "paint" program